February 15, 2012
A quorum being present, Chairperson Peg Byrnes called the regular meeting of the Patriotic Commission to order at 7:20p.m. in the second floor conference room in the Town Hall, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Paul Barry, Patricia Begley, Linda Carrasquillo, Bernard Corona, Edward Dettore, Vincent Parys, Eugene Pushefski, Susan Tukey.
Excused: Melodie Wilson, Charles Clarke
ALSO PRESENT: Robin E. Parys, Clerk.
Mr. Bob Venti was introduced by Commissioner PauI Barry. Mr. Venti talked about an error that he discovered on the Viet Nam Veterans Memorial Plaque at the Bicentennial Square. Topic discussed under Unfinished/Old/Business.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Vincent Parys motioned that the approval of the minutes from the January 18, 2012 minutes be approved. Commissioner Pat Begley 2ND.
MOTION: Approved.
CORRESPONDENCE: Chairperson Byrnes received several responses from Memorial Day Parade Participants
BILLS: Motion made by Commissioner Susan Tukey to pay the clerk. Commissioner Vincent Parvs 2nd.
MOTION: Passed.
UNFINISHED/OLD/ BUSINESS: Commissioner Paul Barry notified the Commission that D’ESopo Funeral Home has received notification that payment for the purchase of cleaning solution for the Veterans headstones has not been received. Commissioner Paul Barry reported that D’Esopo Funeral Home had sent a Check to the town for the payment of the cleaning solution used on the headstones. Chairperson Peg Byrnes stated that the issue had been resolved.
A suggestion was made that a letter of THANK YOU and APOLOGY be sent to D’ESopo Funeral-Home.
The issue that was brought to the attention of the Commission by Mr. Venti the discovery of six (6) Veterans names that appear on our Viet Nam Veterans plaque at the Bicentennial Square are not of East Hartford residents. Mr.Venti thru his research also discovered that some of the names were not found in the 612 Book (Book of names of Viet Nam Veterans from the State of Connecticut that were killed in that war) and some of those names are not on The Virtual Wall in Washington D.C. After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that it would create unnecessary emotional stress on family members of those veterans to pursue this matter any further.
MOTION: Passed.
NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Linda Carrasquillo Mentioned that a group of teens from The Salvation Army have expressed an interest in taking on the task of trimming away the grass and dirt that is partially covering some of the flat grave markers. Commissioner Parys will check with the Cemetery foreman on the feasibility of the project and the best time to do it before Memorial Day.
MOTION: Passed.
Miscellaneous: Commissioner Vincent Parys presented updated information regarding the proceeds from ticket sales for the Wounded warrior Program (Hockey Game East Hartford Fire Dept. vs East Hartford Police Dept.) Commissioner Paul Barry presented information regarding the Welcome Home Viet Nam Veterans Function at the State Armory. Both will be held on Saturday, March 31st.
A motion by Commissioner Vincent Parys was made to change the May 16th meeting date to May 23rd. CommisSioner Patricia Begley 2nd.
MOTION: Passed.
Notification will be sent to the Office of the Mavor.
Election of officers was held, nominations were made and the following maintained their positions: Margaret Byrnes as chairperson and acting Treasurer, Patricia Begley as Co-Chairperson and Commissioner Vincent Parys as Secretary.
ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Eugene Pushefski motioned for adjournment at 8:15 p.m. Commissioner Vincent Parys 2nd.
MOTION: Passed.